Just finished a book by a new friend, Mark Batterson, who pastors a church in Washington D.C. He pioneered the work which is currently a multi-site church meeting in movie theatres at Metro (subway) stops around the D.C. area. They also own and operate one of the top espresso cafes in the city.
Anyway the book is entitled "In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day." It unpacks the story of Benaiah who became King David's bodyguard. Benaiah's resume included killing two of moab's mightiest warriors, and another time (armed only with a club) took a spear out of the hand of an Egyptian and killed him with it. Also, as the book title says, he chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day... and lived to tell about it.
The book was absolutely inspiring. Batterson combats some the current day "ways of thinking" that keep us on the sidelines and OUT of the game of life. He asks a clarifying question that cuts against the philosophy that life is about happiness. The question is "what if the life you really want, and the future God wants for you is hiding right now in your biggest problem, your worst failure... your greatest fear?"
More on this later. There's some things worth chatting about from this book.