I remember vividly my little league days. Yep, it was 30 years ago, but I remember it. I loved baseball and I was pretty good. Pitcher, catcher, short-stop, third-base. I even made the all-stars. My team was Nob Hill.... wait for it... Foods. A grocery store was our sponsor. I always wanted to be Round Table Pizza, but everyone felt real sorry for the Hicks Lumber team. Good times.
P.S. Pictured above. (left) Sam's first MLB Game at RFK Stadium. (right) yours truly, circa 1978.
Sammy's playing baseball. Good times.
We got a new glove, batting gloves, new balls, and even bat/gear bag. I think I had more fun than him. But he is getting it now. He looks pretty cool with his cleats, ball cap and his bat bag slung over his back. Good times.
The best part is watching Sam start to understand the game. Playing catch, batting practice, grounders, and pop flys. He is a "rules" kid. Before the first practice, his biggest concern was that he didn't understand how to steal bases. I explained it. He's got it... sort of. Though I just want him to have fun; in order to have fun he does need to understand the rules.
So here it is (sorry for the simplistic analogy, but I learn so much about how God sees me when I see things in my kids.) I think God enjoys watching me learning the ways of His kingdom. Loving others, worshipping Him in the midst of difficulty, and living with integrity are all His ways. I have more joy and freedom when I understand and walk in His ways. He does want me to have fun, but He knows how much more fun I'll have when I do things His way.
So today, I asked Him to teach me how to not steal tomorrow's worries. I got it... sort of. I think He'll have to explain it again. But I'll keep asking.
Your fellow question-asker,
P.S. Pictured above. (left) Sam's first MLB Game at RFK Stadium. (right) yours truly, circa 1978.