Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Memorizing scripture is an extremely worthwhile discipline. It doesn't take a ton of work. Print out the scripture you want to put in your memory bank and pin it to a bulletin board. Or make it the background on your computer. Record it on your cell phone and make it your ring tone. Okay that's a reach.. but you get the point.

Jesus responded to the temptations in the wilderness by quoting scripture. "It is written" Jesus said as he quoted scripture to combat the lies of the enemy. Every temptation that comes to you and I trying to convince you of a lie. The lie is... the temptation will fulfill your need. Temptation says "if you do this you'll feel better" "you'll be happy" "you won't feel lonely"... but temptation cannot deliver and it is insatiable. Giving in to temptation never brings peace, because it always leaves you lacking.

Jesus had memorized the words that he quoted to Satan. Each scripture he used was like a sword. That's the cool thing about this part of the Armor of God.

Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

What an incredible offensive weapon the Lord has given for us to put on. It is THE way to overcome temptation. So memorize a verse this week. You will be stronger and you will strengthen the whole of the body of Christ as you do.

Go for it.


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