Wednesday, May 14, 2008

so-so days and life with friends

Time flies when your not blogging. :-)

April was a big month. Lots of activities with great people. I never want to stop enjoying the adventure of relationships. Sometimes friendships are bland like a bowl of cornflakes... bland but nourishing. Sometimes friendships are power packed with flavor like a gourmet meal. On any given day friendships can be great or just so-so.

I like so-so days and the great days. In fact, so many so-so days in good friendships add up to great friendships.

I would think the Lord would tire of the so-so days He has with me. Days where there is no great insight into the word, no powerful prayer prayed, no exciting spiritual mountain climbed. If I were Him, I'd be weary of the lack lustre devotion on my so-so days. But He takes my so-so days in stride.

The folks in Hebrews 11 had too many so-so days to count. Abraham, in particular, had some pretty non-eventful days... but he was labeled a "friend of God."

How about you? Is today a so-so day on your journey with God? That's okay. Just keep walking with Him, talking with Him, and enjoying your days with Him. All the while remembering you're building a friendship that is SO, SO very lifegiving and eternal.
More later.


Anonymous said...

I too have lots of so-sos but even more too-toos. Too much to do, too little time, too much wasted time, too little energy, too much doubt, too little faith, too much fear, etc., etc.
So, I too need the Lord's presence every hour. Thankfully, He does not condemn me for my annoying too-toos but commends me for who I am in Him.

As Kermit the frog said, "Time is fun when you are having flys".
Mike Mitchell

Van Clements said...

I think you should write a blog. I'd read it! This could be a sermon "so-so's and too-too's". I'll give you credit, if I use it!