Friday, November 2, 2007

Helmet Head

We've arrived in Oradea, Romania after 30 hours of travel. I was here with a team from Willamette in 1996 and to say that things have changed would be an understatement. Things are radically different!

In many ways, what used to look like a post war depressed city, now looks like any average thriving valley town in the central valley of California. Construction galore, Romania's versions of Costco and Home Depot right next door to each other and … COLOR. Everywhere. Normal colors and bright colors. Bright lime green houses. Rich red/almost pink houses. Kids that look like kids. Cool clothes, cell phones, and freedom.

The freedom of Romania from communist oppression began in 1989 at Timisoara (that's where we landed today). In the past 18 years it has spread through the whole country. It appears that the mindset and thought processes of the nation of Romania are growing away from and out of the captivity that was broken off of them. There's a renewing of mind happening here.

In the same way the freedom from sin has already been purchased by the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. What's happening in your life and mine is a renewal of our minds, thoughts, emotions and consequently our actions. Romans 12 says "do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind."

Renewing of your mind is something that God is so interested in that he included this in your designer armor. The helmet of salvation is a protection from the lie that we earned our salvation. In the same way that it is foolish to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, it is foolish to think that we somehow earned this great gift of grace. Renewing your mind begins with the clear understanding that "it is by grace you have been, not of works unless anyone should boast."

So put it on today. It'll bring real life, freedom and vivid color to your thoughts, because you'll be free to know that He is the savior of your soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey van,

i had no idea you were going to romania. thats really coo, ill definitly be praying for you and stanly.

currently its half time for the ducks and we are winning!! yaya!

well, just reading your blogs with a friend of mine, we really enjoyed them.
