Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sometimes things surprise you.. a lot!

I'm back. Romania was great. Very busy. Which is why I haven't blogged in a while. I appreciate many of you checking in with me letting me know that you're reading. Sorry for the gap in time since I wrote.

Anyways... the trip was full of surprises. An amazing change in the economy of Romania. The amazing opportunities that I had to preach. The amazing people that I had the privilege of working with. The amazing miracles that I see God doing in that wonderful land. AND the surprising recognition of how lucky I am to be doing what I'm doing right now among the church family in Eugene.

When I returned from Romania, Erica showed me a video from her cousin's blog. You may have seen it... but it is absolutely remarkable. I was just as surprised as Simon Cowell. It's a youtube clip from "Britain's Got Talent" about a contestant named Paul Potts. (not to be confused with Pol Pot the former communist leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia)

You should watch it. I think you'll like it. It made me think that I don't ever want to get to the place where I can't be surprised or amazed. God has many things ahead to show us, I want to be humble before God so much that I can truly be amazed by what He does. Whether it's in Romania, in Eugene, or even through a mobile phone salesman from Great Britain.

More later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Van --

I don't like opera. But... that was INCREDIBLE! Why is he still selling phones?
