Friday, October 3, 2008

Fridays in the Fall

I love Fridays in the fall. why? One word. football. And Friday is the day of anticipation for Saturday football.
College football to be exact. I love the anticipation of getting to watch the games on Saturday. Sam (my only begotten son) and I look forward to "man TV" day at our "2 to 1" female to male ratio'ed house.
Why do I like college football? I think simply because you witness communities of people all over the United States coming together to celebrate and cheer on young athletes. Now, I realize there is a lot of financial and emotional excess in this arena, but I've observed at the core a positive reason for people to be together. I so enjoy watching the range of talent and emotion displayed on and off the field.

So, that's one of the small and simple joys of the fall for me. I love the games, but the shared experience with family and friends really is the better part.
(If you are participating in the Marriage Refresher this weekend, we will enjoy a very enriching shared experience and still have time for the watch the Ducks beat USC. Yep, it's going to be a great weekend.)

Go ducks.


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