Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 7: How's it going?

Hello All,
We are into Day 7 of our Pursue 21 church initiative.  How are things going?  I'm sure there have been moments of challenge. I want to encourage you to not only maintain your fast but to utilize the those moments when your are thinking "boy, I sure wish I could have a cookie" or something like that, to pause and pray. Invite God to lead your life. Say "Lord, I want what you want more than what I want!" 

Keep up the good work! AND remember there are a couple of great opportunities for you to Life Journal. Every Sunday morning at 9:15 AM in the Hospitality Room off the Foyer, and also Wednesdays at 6:30 AM at Theo's Coffee House. It's located at 199 w. 8th Street.  It's on the corner of 8th and Charnelton inside the Strand building.  We had a great time last week. Please join us!

Here's an invite!
More later.

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